44 sounds, 200 spellings


This 60-page pdf download is designed to help learners organise their thinking about how English spelling works, and show them that while it’s complex, it’s also finite and learnable.

All 44 sounds of spoken English are presented one after the other, in printed words in which the spelling of the sound is highlighted in red, with a photo illustration for each word.

The most common spellings of each sound are given first, and then less common and some unusual spellings. Many of these can be explained by how the word is built or its etymology.

I’m hoping that the prevalence of colour photocopiers and laser printers nowadays means that people will find this book easy to download, print and use in discussions of how spelling works with learners of any age.

Photos in this book are all sourced from internet searches as free to use or share, even commercially. Many thanks to all the photographers for being so generous with their work.

SKU: 44 sounds 200 spellings Category:


This 60-page pdf download is designed to help learners organise their thinking about how English spelling works, and show them that while it’s complex, it’s also finite and learnable.

All 44 sounds of spoken English are presented one after the other, in printed words in which the spelling of the sound is highlighted in red, with a photo illustration for each word.

The most common spellings of each sound are given first, and then less common and some unusual spellings. Many of these can be explained by how the word is built or its etymology.

I’m hoping that the prevalence of colour photocopiers and laser printers nowadays means that people will find this book easy to download, print and use in discussions of how spelling works with learners of any age.

Photos in this book are all sourced from internet searches as free to use or share, even commercially. Many thanks to all the photographers for being so generous with their work.