To get materials (free or paid) from the Spelfabet shop:
Click on “Shop” in the main menu, or the Spelfabet shop in the sidebar at the right.
Find the item(s) you want in the shop, and click on “Add to cart” for each one. If you want to print more than the number of copies permitted for a single purchase (e.g. 5 copies of a parent/aide workbook or set of Phonics with Feeling books), then purchase extra copies by increasing the number, or clicking more than once on the “Add to cart” button.
A tick will appear on the “Add to cart” button when you successfully add an item. The words “View cart” will appear below the button. If you’re finished shopping, click on “View cart” and check your order.
You can also view your cart by clicking on the red “Go to checkout” button any time.

If there’s anything in your cart you don’t want, click on the small, red cross to the left of its picture to delete it (sometimes items from incomplete orders hang around). If you’ve ordered too many or not enough of any item, change the number in the box with up/down arrows next to it (the 2 in the above picture) to the quantity you want.
If you have a current discount coupon (during sales/special offers), type it into the Coupon Code box and click on “Apply coupon”.
Click on “Proceed to checkout”.
Complete the Billing Details. The payment provider for this website requires a physical address, even though most of our products are digital downloads, so we don’t use these addresses except to mail out the short vowel card game (the only hard copy item in this shop).
If you are only ordering freebies, the next step (payment) will be skipped.
The credit card payment system on this website is PayPal. If you’re unable to use a credit card and you’re in Australia, please contact us to discuss other payment options. Choose ‘add a new card’ and put your card details in, or if you’ve bought something from us before and allowed the site to remember your card, you should be able to select that card.
The website should only charge Goods and Services Tax (GST) for Australian customers. Once you’ve completed your payment details, click on “Place Order”.
Once payment is approved, you will be redirected to the website downloads area, where you’ll be able to download the files you ordered by clicking on their purple links. You will also be sent an email with a link to the downloads area. Please check your spam folder for it, if it’s not in your inbox.
Save all files to your computer/USB/other file storage as soon as possible. You get three chances to download each file, in case your power goes off, your computer crashes or the cat walks across your keyboard while you’re downloading. Downloading files is work for the website, and that has to be paid for. Allowing unlimited downloads would allow some people to use the site for free file storage, driving up the cost of running the site, and thus the cost of the resources.
If you accidentally delete a file you haven’t finished using, go to My Account on the main menu and put in the email address and password you created back in, then go back to the Downloads area and download the file again (assuming you haven’t used up your three downloads). Note that some very old files are no longer available from the site. Email us to ask about these.
Refunds policy
Downloadable materials
If you buy a downloadable product from the Spelfabet store, but haven’t yet downloaded it (the website keeps track of downloads), and decide you don’t want it, a full refund will be provided, less the payment gateway fee. Please email to request this, including your order number.
If you accidentally buy too many copies of something, a full refund less the payment gateway fee will be provided for the unwanted copies.
If you have already downloaded a product but then decide you don’t want it, please email us stating you have not printed the file, with evidence that the file and has been deleted, to request a refund.
Printed materials
Please return printed materials to us in as-new condition in their original packaging (i.e. without removing the shrink-wrapping) to receive a refund on the full price of the item, less the payment gateway fee. We cannot offer refunds on shipping costs.