Whole kit
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I've just created a new product in the Spelfabet shop called "Whole kit", which is all the downloadable materials in the shop as a package, at a discounted price ($200, compared with $255 if purchased separately).
"Everything" means:
- Eight workbooks, all of which you can look through on Youtube,
- Fourteen games, all of which are also demonstrated on YouTube,
- One movable alphabet with Level 1 suggested sequences, there's a demonstration on YouTube of this too.
These materials can be downloaded as pdfs and printed in your choice of Victorian Modern Cursive Script or Comic Sans font.
I'm hoping that this is an easy and affordable way for schools and concerned parents to get access to explicit, systematic, sythetic phonics materials, for use with low-progress spellers/readers who have poor phonemic awareness and/or spelling pattern knowledge (decoding).
Click here to go to the shop and get your kit.
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