








8 responses to “ou as in soul”

  1. A.Teacher says:


    I would just wondering why words like shoulder, boulder and mould are not on this list?


    • alison says:

      Hi, I think it’s because my stupid Concise Oxford Dictionary doesn’t have the phonetic script for every word in it, and was no help on this question, and we were disagreeing in the office about whether this vowel is an /o/ or an /oe/ in Australian English. The younger staff here think words like ‘poll’ and ‘pole’ are homophones, but I don’t. Your question prompted me to finally subscribe to the current Macquarie Dictionary, which agrees with you, they list the sound as /oe/, so I’ll add this to the page, thanks for prompting me to do this. I’ll probably now get a lot of Americans commenting that it’s wrong, but I don’t pretend these lists are current for any dialect except General Australian English. All the best, Alison

  2. Jenny says:

    I don’t think Bougainville should be in this list. I can definitely hear the long o sound, without influence from an l. I hear a very different o sound in the rest of the list. I really don’t hear a long vowel sound

    • alison says:

      Hi Jenny, thanks for pointing this out, I did some research and you’re right, the first vowel is pronounced /oo/ not /oe/. Not sure why I had it wrong, my apologies.

  3. Alice says:

    I am thinking that “pour and your” should be on this list? what do you think?

  4. Michelle Norton says:

    Hi, looking at this sound /oe/ now and I think when Australian children say words with the spelling they will hear /o/ rather than /oe/. Could this be taught as /o/ or is that wrong?

    • alison says:

      I think it’s OK to go with the dialect your students use, there are a lot of words with a vowel followed by /l/ that Australians with a Broad accent say as /o/ and people with a more General or Cultivated accent say as /oe/ e.g. ‘cold’, ‘roll’ and ‘mould’. I’m getting old and went to rural government schools, and I think ‘roll’ rhymes with ‘doll’ and is not a homophone of ‘role’, but my young, urban, privately-educated staff tend to disagree. The Macquarie Dictionary now tends to agree with them, though my old edition of it agrees with me. However, ‘soul’ has an /oe/ sound in all Australian dialects, I think. None of us rhyme it with ‘doll’. Hope that makes sense, all the best, Alison

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